1st Floor ,Taj Towers, Upperhill Road info(@)mgiadam.co.ke

CPA Anthony Wanjohi

CPA Anthony Wanjohi

CPA Anthony Wanjohi

Audit Manager
  • Email:info(@)mgiadam.co.ke
  • Phone: (+254) 746192829
  • Website: www.mgiadam.co.ke
  • Address: Taj Tower, Upperhill


Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (CPA) (K) . (ICPAK Reg No. 13489)

Masters in Business Administration (MBA) - University of Nairobi (ongoing) Bachelor of Education (Hons) - University of Nairobi


As Audit Manager, he is involved in the day to day supervision the firm and Audit supervisors and seniors. He has vast knowledge of theory and practice of taxation, auditing and management gained from over 15 years of service at MGI and other audit firms.

He has audited numerous companies/organizations including but not limited to retailing and manufacturing companies; financial institutions; hotels, airlines, caterers; surveyors; property valuers and estate agents and donor funded organizations and projects both in Kenya, Somalia and in Somaliland. 

Practical involvement in computerization of accounting systems. Also has a wide experience in the development of accounting systems and internal controls.

Was recently involved in assignments contracted by WFP Somalia as assistant team leader.

He has undertaken various development project appraisals and feasibility studies in the Agricultural sector.